Atualização v239.3

Pontos mais relevantes nas últimas atualizações:
Consertaram o problema de time-out ao carregar muitos ou grandes mods.
Ajustes na Chem Tables, armadura do quetzal e na bala de canhão.
Consertaram o urso, que comia Narcoberries automaticamente.

Current Version: v239.3
* Fixed time-outs while loading/downloading large (or large quantities) of mods when connecting to servers. Seemingly for good this time. Thanks for the great help to Steam Player MasterDavid of the Tribe Darconic!!
Requires Server Update!
* Fixed issue with loaded Chem Tables crafting costs being too cheap
* Fixed Quetz Armor Building Exploit
* Reduced Cannon Ball Damage by 15% generally, and 25% with respect to Metal Structures, and 40% with respect to Metal Turrets. Added a small amount of Obsidian as a crafting requirement for cannon balls.
* Fixed Dire Bear Auto-Eating Narcoberries
* Fixed issue that was causing weapons with custom ammo to lose their Ammo when moved into a Dino Inventory. Requires Server Update!
* Fixed 'active' sound effect on Chemistry Table
* Removed Cannon & Cannon Ball Engram from Primitive Servers. Isn't really appropriate for gunpowderless worlds.