Versão atual do jogo Ark Survival Evolved - v238.3

Nas últimas atualizações 3 novos animais!

O Rino já sofreu duas modificações: pode ser carregado pelo Quetzal e agora é domado 40% mais rápido. Aumentaram 60% o surgimento da Eurypterid no mapa. Eliminaram um problema que criava muitos castores no mapa.

Current Version: v238.3
* Fixed an issue that was creating too many Beavers/Beaver-Dams. Requires server update.
* Increased Eurypterid spawn frequency by 60%
* Rhino can now be picked up by Quetz
* New Saddles are now craftable on Beaver-Smithy
* Official Extinction Event servers now have 2x-3x settings
* Rhino tames 40% faster
* Non-Official Extinction Event servers will now auto-restart properly
* Reduced Dunkleosteus maximum Torpor
Unversioned Hotfix (Client-side): Fixed incorrect terrain materials.
* Fixed a server startup crash from v280.0 ;) -- Server admins please update to v238.1!
* New 'Dino': Woolly Rhino!
* New 'Dino': Eurypterid!
* New 'Dino': Dunkleosteus!
* New "Extinction" Servers which reset after each month, with an in-game countdown and dramatic meteor impact!
* Fixed Wild Beaver Dams Spawns