Atualização - Patch Notes v241.5 - Ark Survival Evolved

Na atualização v241.5.

♦ Foi adicionada a marcação no mapa da área que será alterada pelos novos biomas.
♦ Opção padrão de configuração para chutar jogadores do servidor se ficarem parados por mais de 3600 segundos. Quem fica parado no jogo por mais de 1 hora? O.o
♦ Várias correções para o mapa The Center, incluindo o surgimento e a dificuldade dos animais.
♦ Reduziram pela metade o dano do Compy selvagem. Estou muito preocupado com o dano do compy selvagem... :-/

Isso é o que temos de mais interessante no momento. No entanto, estamos na expectativa da atualização v242!


Current Version: v241.5
* Unversioned Addition: Biome Border Markers have been added. If you have a base within the red side of a border, best move out over the coming days. Structures within the red side of the borders may be destroyed by the upcoming Biome Changes!
* Unversioned Addition: Optionally launch dedicated servers with -EnableIdlePlayerKick to cause characters that have not moved or interacted within the KickIdlePlayersPeriod, 3600 seconds by default to be kicked.
* Added -insecure commandline parameter usage to disable server VAC
* Fixed Dino PvE Auto-Claim time multiplier to use a separate commandline value (?PvEDinoDecayPeriodMultiplier=1.0) rather than the Structure Auto-Claim time multiplier.
* Fixed ocean spawners continually overflow spawning on TheCenter
* Fixed case where you could improperly use Vault drops
* All Official PvE servers now have 0.25 structure decay time and 0.5 structure resource blocking radius multiplier
* Fixed various TheCenter structure placement, teleport, collision issues, dino difficulty curve, and dino spawns
* TheCenter clients now work properly on Mac
* Fixed general case where you could place structures within world geometry
* Generated shadow distance field data for the rest of TheCenter world geometry meshes (sorry for the large one-time update!!)
* Saved some RAM on non-ShaderModel5 platforms by discarding unneeded distance field data
* Reduced Wild Compy HP and Damage by 50%