Patch v.1.46 Advanced Architecture Mod (MOD dos castelos)

Advanced Architecture Mod
Atualização: 19 de jun às 20:02
Patch v.1.46

Rampa para a ponte.
Finalmente consertaram a famigerada "sconce" (tocha de parede)!

\o/ \o/ \o/

Added snap points to the Full Round Ceiling w/Cutout so they can be attached for either curved steps.

Most Wood Flooring pieces are finished and inside the Flooring Bin. All flooring engrams except the bin have been removed from the engram list and from the other workstations.

Fixed Modular Columns so that they no longer report that their materials can be changed.

NEW ITEM: New Metal Sconce: This item replaces the old sconce that was causing crashes when used in certain situations. Since the old ones were causing crashes in certain situations they have been removed entirely. I attempted to leave them as is and they still were allowing server crashes. Sorry for the inconveniece but I set the crafting cost to 1 metal ore to make up for the sudden loss.

NEW STRUCTURE: Long Bridge Ramp
This new bridge piece is designed to snap to foundations and other Long Bridge pieces. The default orientation when placing this structure is for the ramp to be heading down but there are snaps for going up. I wanted to mention that here as they can be hard to find from up close so stand back a ways for running the ramps up!