Saiu a atualização! Patch v243.0 - Titanossauro e Novos Biomas!

Mais uma grande atualização do Ark Survival Evolved com muitas novidades!

Tradução livre inserida no texto.

Current Version: v243.0
- New Creature: Titanosaurus!
Nova criatura: Titanosaurus!
- New Item: Gas Mask!
Novo item: máscara de gás.
- New Item: Herbivore "TastyCakes"
Novo item: "Bolo Saboroso Vegetariano" (não imagino o que seja!)
- New Item: Chain Bola Ammo for Ballista Turret!
Novo item: munição de boleadeira de corrente.
- New Structure: Retractable Rope Ladders!
Nova estrutura: escada de cordas retráctil.
- New Structure: Tree Sap Taps!
Nova estrutura: torneira de seiva de árvore!
- New Structures: Wood and Metal Tree Platforms!
Nova estrutura: plataformas nas árvores.
- New Mechanic: Custom Tripwire Alarm Notifications via (E-mail and Forum).
Novo mecanismo: Alarme que pode ser configurado para mandar mensagem por e-mail e fórum!
 Optionally Tribes can post to arbritrary URL, if they have a custom system! Now if someone's raiding your base, you can get on top of it! ;)
- Biome Update: Snow Extension & New Redwood Forests (this is a major environmental overhaul!)
NOVOS BIOMAS: Extensão da neve e Floresta Gigante! 
- Ruins
- GroundClutter effect extended 50% further and +20% more GPU efficiency
- Approximate +5% GPU performance improvement related to more efficient foliage culling
- Approximate +10% Server CPU gains related to more network multi-threading
Melhoria de performance do jogo.
- Added option to disable Inventory Sounds. Yeah ;)
Opção de desabilitar os sons do inventário.
- Balled Doed's are no longer invincible to Tamed Dino melee attacks -- now just very, very resistant to them.
O tatu encolhido (forma de bola) não é mais invencível aos ataques dos dinos domados, mas é muito resistente.
- Magnfiying Glass now displays creature Torpor stats (on Wild creatures too).
A lupa agora mostra o nível do torpor.
- Tribe Alliances now disabled in Offline Raid mode (too complex to determine if anyone in an Alliance is around), C4/Traps can no longer be placed near Offline-Raid Protected Structures, and Offline-Raid mode now forces all Structures to be Lockable so that players can "Lock" Crop Plots to prevent their turrets from being disabled.
As alianças são desabilitadas no modo de proteção offline.
C4 e armadilhas não podem ser colocadas próximo às estruturas protegidas pela proteção offline.
A proteção offline força todas as estruturas a serem trancadas, então jogadores podem "trancar"  vasos de cultura e prevenir que as metralhadoras sejam desligadas.
- New Server Option: "?PreventTribeAlliances=true" to prevent tribe alliances
Nova opção do servidor prevenir alianças.
- Engagement with Wild Naturally-Fleeing & Small creatures (tiny bugs etc) no longer trigger combat music.
A música de combate não toca mais para animais selvagens em fuga e pequenos insetos.
- Tamed Dinos that are following a submerged allied Target will not attempt to float to the surface of the water, but rather will attempt to stay at the depth of their allied Target. (helpful when deliberately going deep-diving your tamed land Dinos). However, Dinos that are capable of suffocating will try to surface if they are out of Oxygen regardless!
Animais domesticados que estiverem seguindo não vão flutuar na água, eles irão para o fundo, mas emergirão para respirar se estiverem sufocando.
- Vaults can no longer be dropped onto saddle platforms
Cofres não podem mais ser colocados em selas de plataforma.
- Transfer-All/Drop-All methods now only drop/transfer what is currently disabled in the inventory, respecting any filters/folders you may have active (so for example, if you're within a folder, it will only transfer those items, or if you have a text filter active, etc).
A opção de transferir tudo e jogar tudo do inventário agora se restringe à pasta ou filtro ativo.
- Fixed an issue where pillars were not being calculated correctly as foundations when building pillars downwards
Corrigido um problema onde pilares não eram considerados fundações.
- Massive +33% rendering gains with any translucent rendering (particles, greenhouse windows, etc). Yay for eliminating unnecessary SceneColor resolves!
Ganho na renderização de translúcidos.
- Game.INI values to scale the the 5 kinds of XP earned: Generic (automatic over time), Crafting, Harvesting, Killing, and SpecialEvents: "KillXPMultiplier","HarvestXPMultiplier","CraftXPMultiplier","GenericXPMultiplier","SpecialXPMultiplier" (all 1.0 by default)
Opção de ajuste do servidor para 5 tipos de ganhos de XP.
- Tamed & Wild Gigas Damage reduced by 50%, Wild Giga HP reduced by 40%, Tamed Giga Run Speed reduced by 30%, Tamed Giga HP reduced by 25%, Giga Stamina Increased by 30%. Tamed Gigas now require/consume 50% less food for subsistence.
Vários ajustes no Giganotosaurus.
- Tamed Ptero Damage reduced by 30%
Dano do ptero domesticado reduzido 30%.
- Fixed a rare PhysX crash that would bring down servers on occasion. Seemingly free of any more PhysX-crashes now!
Resolvido um problema de PhysX crash.
- Fixed bug where Wild Giganotosaurus and other dinos would not respawn properly until the server was relaunched.
Corrigido um problema no surgimento do Giganotosaurus selvagem.
- Added two additional levels to gain, for Players and Dinos
Adicionado dois adicionais níveis para jogadores e dinos. 
- Server Note: To allow your Server's Titanosaurs to be permanently tamed (namely allow them to be Fed), launch your server with this commandline option: ?AllowRaidDinoFeeding=true
However, note that TheIsland currently only spawns 3 Titanosaurs whatsoever, so 3 Tamed ones would ultimately block any more Wild ones from spawning.
Opção de configuração para permitir a domesticação permanente do Titanosaurs. Na ilha só surgem 3, logo 3 domesticados impedem o surgimento de selvagens.

Note for Unofficial Servers: If you wish to destroy structures within the new Biomes, you can launch your servers with this commandline parameter (that's a dash, not a question mark -- put this at the end of your server commandline ;)

Note this command will only execute once per server save!