Patch v242.9

Depois da atualização v242 uma sequência de atualizações para ajustes e correção de erros.
Fim do evento de aniversário.

Nada de novos biomas ainda...


Current Version: v242.9
* Increased server performance another 8%
* Fixed a Grappling Hook crash
* Concluded the ARK Anniversary Event
* Fixed a potential Mod item crash
* Multi-Threaded networking system for substantial (~15%) sever performance improvement. More perf gains to come soon too!
* Fixed exploit where Chairs could be used to clip into people's bases.
* Added client "-NoBiomeWalls" commandline parameter which eliminates the upcoming-Biome-change area wall effects
* Made TheCenter properly use Overriden GameModes (Difficulty Mods, Prim+ Total Conversion, etc).
* Fixed a performance issue that was occurring with PvP Offline Raid Protected Servers. Thank you so much to Steam User "Shadowsong" for helping us identify and solve it!
* Fixed a bug where PvP Offline Raid Protected Servers could lack AI for newly-spawned Dinos.
* Made Swamp Fever particle effect not visible from player's own perspective.
These require server-side update:
* Fixed some Raft exploits (C4-Poker and Breach-Rafts)
* Reduced the scaling by 50% of Dino Adult Food Consumption rate when unstasising. This is to help compensate for the bug fix in v242.0 which now correctly utilizes the Adult Food Consumption Rate when unstasising a Dinosaur (hence the higher rate of consumption on Giganotosaurus, which were one of the few Dinosaurs to use that multiplier).
* Allowed Vaults to be built on Rafts, specifically.
* Fixed Raft naming & some other potential Raft networking issues.
* Made Fortitude slightly more effective for avoiding Disease (90 Fortitude == 80% reduction in Disease chance, rather than 110 Fortitude)